Einar Jarmund & Co AS Arkitekter MNAL is a Oslo-based NAL(Norske Arkitekter Landsforbund) registered architecture and design studio established in April 2019. It was founded as Jarmund/Vigsnæs AS Arkitekter MNAL in 1996 by Einar Jarmund and Håkon Vigsnæs.
The firm is located in Oslo, Norway, and we are working on a wide architectural range with commissions mainly in Norway but also in other European countries.
The practice is committed to well-conceived and thoughtfully-detailed architecture. The work of the practice encompasses many scales. Projects span from small to large scale, urban planning, landscape to building interiors; aiming to cover all corners of the architectural field. We are driven by an untiring ambition to understand the spirit of the places, both urban and rural; focusing on the independent concept for every single project, avoiding general stylistic approaches.
We give priority to early participation in creative programming and an attentive relation towards the surroundings.
Einar Jarmund
Architect MNAL
+47 992 79 975
Torris Kaul Varøystrand
Architect MNAL
+47 466 35 221
Lars Danielsen Holen
Architect, MArch
+47 450 400 64
Håvard Walthinsen Amundsen
Architect, intern
+47 484 26 028
Tuva Salomonsen Hansen
Architect MNAL
+47 957 76 049
Stine Svanemyr
Landscape architect MNLA
+47 958 55 398
Long N. Nguyen
Landscape architect
+47 980 54 045
Ingrid Hjelmstad
Architect MNAL
+47 976 50 389
Emma Viktoria Moberg
Architect, MArch
+47 461 16 236
Magnus Garvoll
Architect, MArch
+47 412 06 877
Young Eun Choi
Architect, MArch
+47 464 42 360
Fredrik Justnes
Architect, MArch
+47 901 34 728
Laura Toledo Martín
Architect, MArch
+47 934 53 099

Einar Jarmund & Co AS er medlem av Grønn Byggallianse, en medlemsorganisasjon for hele verdikjeden innen bygg og eiendom. Foreningens formål er å utvikle norsk bygge- og eiendomssektor slik at hensyn til miljø og bærekraft skal bli det selvfølgelige valget.